Friday, January 13, 2012

Rest In Peace Chib

Tim's dad, Chib passed away peacefully last Sunday January 8, 2012,  while at  home surrounded by Laura and all of his children.  He was 92 years old. He had been battling lung cancer the last  two years.  He was a great story teller, intelligent, and funny man. I always enjoyed listening to him talk about his experiences in boarding schools.   I have a lot of respect for him and the family he raised.  He was a hard working man and always had an opinion.  He loved life, his wife, and family.  Fortunately for us we will always have a little piece of Chib in our home.  He not only stuccoed most of the house with Tim and Pete, but he did the brick work on the outside and built my kitchen island.  He was a gem of a man and will be greatly missed by us all.  Rest in Peace Chib.  We love you.
All the family made it back for the prayer service Thursday and funeral today.  Family came from California, Washington, Nevada, Montana, Illinois, and North Dakota.  It was also nice to see a large turn out of Tim's cousins from Belcourt, ND.  He had a gun salute at the cemetary along with a drum group who sang an honor song.  It was a cold day but we all hold warm thoughts of Chib in our hearts. 

LeAnn, Tim, and Chib

LeAnn, Celine, and Cousins Callie and Kristine.

 Andrew and Auntie Simone

 Nephews Austin and Alex

 Nephews James and Corey

Good family friend Mary and Tim

 LeAnn's hubby Neil and Tim's brother Scott.

 Cousin Taylor taking care of Monte!

Therese, Simone's partner, and  our Veggie Lover being tempted by all the meat on the pizza! 

Raul, Corey's partner, and LeAnn. 

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